Study In Mauritius

Mauritius is a peaceful and beautiful island nation in the Indian Ocean it is located 2000 kilometres off the Southeast coast of Africa. Port Louis is the capital and the largest city. Mauritius has a booming economy and it has one of the most free market economy in the world and the highest score in investment freedom.

Getting admission into universities and colleges in Mauritius is easy; international students have a wide range of courses to choose from and the quality of education is at par with what is obtainable in Europe. Mauritius offers the perfect study destination and efforts are being made to develop Mauritius into a knowledge hub for the region.

Mauritius is a stable democracy with regular free and fair elections, the cost of living is moderate and housing is relatively affordable. International students have the opportunity of doing internships in many foreign companies which have their subsidiaries in Mauritius.

Why Study In Mauritius?
• Students can work part-time while studying
• Affordable tuition fees
• Peaceful and stable country
• High standard of education
• Global recognition for degrees issued by universities in Mauritius
• Low cost of living
• State-of-the-art infrastructure and modern learning techniques
• A blend of African, Asian and European cultures, promoting a cosmopolitan environment
• Mauritius is easily accessible from all parts of the world